Thursday, October 31, 2013

Could a milky way supernova be visible from Earth in next 50 years?

Could a milky way supernova be visible from Earth in next 50 years?

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Contact: Pam Frost Gorder
Ohio State University

Advances in cameras, new strategies for detection make it possible

COLUMBUS, OhioAstronomers at The Ohio State University have calculated the odds that, sometime during the next 50 years, a supernova occurring in our home galaxy will be visible from Earth.

The good news: they've calculated the odds to be nearly 100 percent that such a supernova would be visible to telescopes in the form of infrared radiation.

The bad news: the odds are much lowerdipping to 20 percent or lessthat the shining stellar spectacle would be visible to the naked eye in the nighttime sky.

Yet, all this is great news to astronomers, who, unlike the rest of us, have high-powered infrared cameras to point at the sky at a moment's notice. For them, this study suggests that they have a solid chance of doing something that's never been done before: detect a supernova fast enough to witness what happens at the very beginning of a star's demise. A massive star "goes supernova" at the moment when it's used up all its nuclear fuel and its core collapses, just before it explodes violently and throws off most of its mass into space.

"We see all these stars go supernova in other galaxies, and we don't fully understand how it happens. We think we know, we say we know, but that's not actually 100 percent true," said Christopher Kochanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State and the Ohio Eminent Scholar in Observational Cosmology. "Today, technologies have advanced to the point that we can learn enormously more about supernovae if we can catch the next one in our galaxy and study it with all our available tools."

The results will appear in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

First through calculations and then through computer models, generations of astronomers have worked out the physics of supernovae based on all available data, and today's best models appear to match what they see in the skies. But actually witnessing a supernovathat is, for instance, actually measuring the changes in infrared radiation from start to finish while one was happeningcould prove or disprove those ideas.

Kochanek explained how technology is making the study of Milky Way supernovae possible. Astronomers now have sensitive detectors for neutrinos (particles emitted from the core of a collapsing star) and gravitational waves (created by the vibrations of the star's core) which can find any supernova occurring in our galaxy. The question is whether we can actually see light from the supernova because we live in a galaxy filled with dustsoot particles that Kochanek likened to those seen in diesel truck exhaustthat absorb the light and might hide a supernova from our view.

"Every few days, we have the chance to observe supernovae happening outside of our galaxy," said doctoral student Scott Adams. "But there's only so much you can learn from those, whereas a galactic supernova would show us so much more. Our neutrino detectors and gravitational wave detectors are only sensitive enough to take measurements inside our galaxy, where we believe that a supernova happens only once or twice a century."

Adams continued: "Despite the ease with which astronomers find supernovae occurring outside our galaxy, it wasn't obvious before that it would be possible to get complete observations of a supernova occurring within our galaxy. Soot dims the optical light from stars near the center of the galaxy by a factor of nearly a trillion by the time it gets to us. Fortunately, infrared light is not affected by this soot as much and is only dimmed by a factor of 20."

By balancing all these factors, the astronomers determined that they have nearly a 100 percent chance of catching a prized Milky Way supernova during the next 50 years. Adams summarized the findings in an online video at

The astronomers' plan takes advantage of the fact that supernovae issue neutrinos immediately after the explosion starts, but don't brighten in infrared or visible light until minutes, hours, or even days later.

So, in the ideal scenario, neutrino detectors such as Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) in Japan would sound the alert the moment they detect neutrinos, and indicate the direction the particles were coming from. Then infrared detectors could target the location almost immediately, thus catching the supernova before the brightening begins. Gravitational wave observatories would do the same.

But given that not all neutrinos come from supernovaesome come from nuclear reactors, Earth's atmosphere or the sunhow could a detector know the difference? A supernova would cause short bursts of neutrinos to be detected within a few seconds of each other. But rare glitches in the electronics can do the same thing, explained John Beacom, professor of physics and astronomy and director of the Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics at Ohio State.

"We need some way to tell immediately that a burst is due to a supernova," Beacom said.

He and colleague Mark Vagins, an American neutrino expert working at Super-K, pointed out a decade ago how this could be done. Now Vagins and others have built a scale model of a special kind of neutrino detector in a new underground cave in Japan.

As coauthors on the Astrophysical Journal paper, Vagins and Beacom described the new detector, which they call EGADS for "Evaluating Gadolinium's Action on Detector Systems." At 200 tons, EGADS is much smaller than the 50,000-ton Super-K, but both consist of a tank of ultra-pure water.

In the case of EGADS, the water is spiked with a tiny amount of the element gadolinium, which helps register supernova neutrinos in a special way. When a neutrino from a Milky Way supernova enters the tank, it can collide with the water molecules and release energy, along with some neutrons. Gadolinium has a great affinity for neutrons, and will absorb them and then re-emit energy of its own. The result would be one detection signal followed by another a tiny fraction of a second latera "heartbeat" signal inside the tank for each detected neutrino.

Vagins and Beacom hope that EGADS' unmistakable heartbeat signal will enable neutrino detector teams to make more timely and confident announcements about supernova neutrino detections.

Vagins said that the experiment is going well so far, and he and the rest of the Super-K scientists may decide to add gadolinium to the tank as early as 2016. Because of its larger size, Super-K would also be able to measure the direction of the neutrinos. So the possibility of using Super-K to pinpoint a Milky Way supernova is on the rise.

For those of us who would hope to see a Milky Way supernova with our own eyes, however, the chances are lower and depend on our latitude on Earth. The last time it happened was in 1604, when Johannes Kepler spotted one some 20,000 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. He was in northern Italy at the time.

Could such a sighting happen again in the next half-century?

Adams did the math: the probability of a galactic supernova being visible with the unaided eye from somewhere on Earth within the next 50 years is approximately 20-50 percent, with people in the southern hemisphere getting the best of those odds, since they can see more of our galaxy in the night sky. The odds worsen as you go north; in Columbus, Ohio, for example, the chance could dip as low as 10 percent.

And Adams placed the odds that Ohioans would spy a truly dazzling supernovalike the one in 1604 that outshone all other stars in the skyat only around 5 percent.

"The odds of seeing a spectacular display aren't in our favor, but it is still an exciting possibility!" he concluded.

"With only one or two happening a century, the chance of a Milky Way supernova is small, but it would be a tragedy to miss it, and this work is designed to improve the chances of being ready for the scientific event of a lifetime," Beacom concluded.



Christopher Kochanek, (614) 292-5954;

John Beacom, (614) 247-8102;

Scott Adams, (614) 292-7881;

Written by Pam Frost Gorder, (614) 292-9475;

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Could a milky way supernova be visible from Earth in next 50 years?

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Contact: Pam Frost Gorder
Ohio State University

Advances in cameras, new strategies for detection make it possible

COLUMBUS, OhioAstronomers at The Ohio State University have calculated the odds that, sometime during the next 50 years, a supernova occurring in our home galaxy will be visible from Earth.

The good news: they've calculated the odds to be nearly 100 percent that such a supernova would be visible to telescopes in the form of infrared radiation.

The bad news: the odds are much lowerdipping to 20 percent or lessthat the shining stellar spectacle would be visible to the naked eye in the nighttime sky.

Yet, all this is great news to astronomers, who, unlike the rest of us, have high-powered infrared cameras to point at the sky at a moment's notice. For them, this study suggests that they have a solid chance of doing something that's never been done before: detect a supernova fast enough to witness what happens at the very beginning of a star's demise. A massive star "goes supernova" at the moment when it's used up all its nuclear fuel and its core collapses, just before it explodes violently and throws off most of its mass into space.

"We see all these stars go supernova in other galaxies, and we don't fully understand how it happens. We think we know, we say we know, but that's not actually 100 percent true," said Christopher Kochanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State and the Ohio Eminent Scholar in Observational Cosmology. "Today, technologies have advanced to the point that we can learn enormously more about supernovae if we can catch the next one in our galaxy and study it with all our available tools."

The results will appear in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

First through calculations and then through computer models, generations of astronomers have worked out the physics of supernovae based on all available data, and today's best models appear to match what they see in the skies. But actually witnessing a supernovathat is, for instance, actually measuring the changes in infrared radiation from start to finish while one was happeningcould prove or disprove those ideas.

Kochanek explained how technology is making the study of Milky Way supernovae possible. Astronomers now have sensitive detectors for neutrinos (particles emitted from the core of a collapsing star) and gravitational waves (created by the vibrations of the star's core) which can find any supernova occurring in our galaxy. The question is whether we can actually see light from the supernova because we live in a galaxy filled with dustsoot particles that Kochanek likened to those seen in diesel truck exhaustthat absorb the light and might hide a supernova from our view.

"Every few days, we have the chance to observe supernovae happening outside of our galaxy," said doctoral student Scott Adams. "But there's only so much you can learn from those, whereas a galactic supernova would show us so much more. Our neutrino detectors and gravitational wave detectors are only sensitive enough to take measurements inside our galaxy, where we believe that a supernova happens only once or twice a century."

Adams continued: "Despite the ease with which astronomers find supernovae occurring outside our galaxy, it wasn't obvious before that it would be possible to get complete observations of a supernova occurring within our galaxy. Soot dims the optical light from stars near the center of the galaxy by a factor of nearly a trillion by the time it gets to us. Fortunately, infrared light is not affected by this soot as much and is only dimmed by a factor of 20."

By balancing all these factors, the astronomers determined that they have nearly a 100 percent chance of catching a prized Milky Way supernova during the next 50 years. Adams summarized the findings in an online video at

The astronomers' plan takes advantage of the fact that supernovae issue neutrinos immediately after the explosion starts, but don't brighten in infrared or visible light until minutes, hours, or even days later.

So, in the ideal scenario, neutrino detectors such as Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) in Japan would sound the alert the moment they detect neutrinos, and indicate the direction the particles were coming from. Then infrared detectors could target the location almost immediately, thus catching the supernova before the brightening begins. Gravitational wave observatories would do the same.

But given that not all neutrinos come from supernovaesome come from nuclear reactors, Earth's atmosphere or the sunhow could a detector know the difference? A supernova would cause short bursts of neutrinos to be detected within a few seconds of each other. But rare glitches in the electronics can do the same thing, explained John Beacom, professor of physics and astronomy and director of the Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics at Ohio State.

"We need some way to tell immediately that a burst is due to a supernova," Beacom said.

He and colleague Mark Vagins, an American neutrino expert working at Super-K, pointed out a decade ago how this could be done. Now Vagins and others have built a scale model of a special kind of neutrino detector in a new underground cave in Japan.

As coauthors on the Astrophysical Journal paper, Vagins and Beacom described the new detector, which they call EGADS for "Evaluating Gadolinium's Action on Detector Systems." At 200 tons, EGADS is much smaller than the 50,000-ton Super-K, but both consist of a tank of ultra-pure water.

In the case of EGADS, the water is spiked with a tiny amount of the element gadolinium, which helps register supernova neutrinos in a special way. When a neutrino from a Milky Way supernova enters the tank, it can collide with the water molecules and release energy, along with some neutrons. Gadolinium has a great affinity for neutrons, and will absorb them and then re-emit energy of its own. The result would be one detection signal followed by another a tiny fraction of a second latera "heartbeat" signal inside the tank for each detected neutrino.

Vagins and Beacom hope that EGADS' unmistakable heartbeat signal will enable neutrino detector teams to make more timely and confident announcements about supernova neutrino detections.

Vagins said that the experiment is going well so far, and he and the rest of the Super-K scientists may decide to add gadolinium to the tank as early as 2016. Because of its larger size, Super-K would also be able to measure the direction of the neutrinos. So the possibility of using Super-K to pinpoint a Milky Way supernova is on the rise.

For those of us who would hope to see a Milky Way supernova with our own eyes, however, the chances are lower and depend on our latitude on Earth. The last time it happened was in 1604, when Johannes Kepler spotted one some 20,000 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus. He was in northern Italy at the time.

Could such a sighting happen again in the next half-century?

Adams did the math: the probability of a galactic supernova being visible with the unaided eye from somewhere on Earth within the next 50 years is approximately 20-50 percent, with people in the southern hemisphere getting the best of those odds, since they can see more of our galaxy in the night sky. The odds worsen as you go north; in Columbus, Ohio, for example, the chance could dip as low as 10 percent.

And Adams placed the odds that Ohioans would spy a truly dazzling supernovalike the one in 1604 that outshone all other stars in the skyat only around 5 percent.

"The odds of seeing a spectacular display aren't in our favor, but it is still an exciting possibility!" he concluded.

"With only one or two happening a century, the chance of a Milky Way supernova is small, but it would be a tragedy to miss it, and this work is designed to improve the chances of being ready for the scientific event of a lifetime," Beacom concluded.



Christopher Kochanek, (614) 292-5954;

John Beacom, (614) 247-8102;

Scott Adams, (614) 292-7881;

Written by Pam Frost Gorder, (614) 292-9475;

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Microsatellite DNA analysis reveals genetic change of P. vivax in Korea, 2002-2003

Microsatellite DNA analysis reveals genetic change of P. vivax in Korea, 2002-2003

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Contact: Ryouhei Nishigaya
Public Library of Science

Continual reintroduction of P. vivax from North Korea could be the cause of change

Malaria is one of the major infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitos, with enormous impact on quality of life. According to World Health Organization figures, as of 2010 there were over 219 million reported cases of malaria with an estimated 660,000 deaths. Plasmodium vivax, which is the second most prevalent species of the human malaria parasite, is widely distributed around the world especially in Asia, Melanesia, the Middle East, South and Central America. 2.85 billion people worldwide live at risk of the infection in 2009.

Vivax malaria was once endemic in Japan including the mainland (Honshu) and the northern island (Hokkaido), but it has been eliminated from these areas as of 1959. In the same way as Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) is another country where vivax malaria had been successfully eliminated by the late 1970s. However, re-emergence of vivax malaria in South Korea was reported in 1993. The first patient was a South Korean soldier who served in the demilitarized zone (a border region between South and North Korea) and had never been abroad. In spite of continuous malaria control measures implemented by the South Korean government, there was a steady increase in the number of reported vivax malaria cases until 2000 (4,183 cases), then a gradual decrease until 2004 (864 cases), when the number of infected civilians who lived in or near the area increased gradually. The number of reported cases fluctuated between 838 and 2,227 per year from 2005 to 2011.

Similarities in the ecology (i.e., climate, vegetation, species of mosquito vector) of Japan and South Korea mean that the Japanese environment is particularly suited to the establishment of Korean strains of vivax malaria. For example, the main vector species of vivax malaria in South Korea is Anopheles sinensis, which in the past has also been the main vector species of vivax malaria in the mainland of Japan, and which remains distributed throughout Japan. In addition, mosquitoes on the mainland of Japan are highly prevalent from June to September (the rainy season and the summer season), which is the same period in which vivax malaria is most prevalent in South Korea.

For these reasons, it is very important not only for South Korea, but also for Japan, to understand the characteristics of vivax malaria in South Korea and to provide a possible explanation as to why, in spite of a continuous malaria control program spanning two decades, efforts to eliminate vivax malaria have been unsuccessful. To answer this question, Dr. Moritoshi Iwagami, et al. conducted a 15-year-long longitudinal study on P. vivax population genetics in South Korea using highly polymorphic neutral markers of the parasites.

The team of researchers from the Japanese National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Inje University and the University of Tokyo analyzed 163 South Korean P. vivax isolates collected from South Korean soldiers who served in the demilitarized zone from 1994 to 2008, using 14 microsatellite DNA loci of the parasite genome. Based on this data, they performed population genetic analysis, with a focus on the differences of the parasite populations between successive years. Through this, they aimed to provide a detailed and precise estimate of the characteristics of the vivax malaria population structure and the temporal dynamics of its transmission.

Their population genetic analyses show that two genotypes coexisted from 1994 to 2001, while three different genotypes coexisted from 2002 to 2008. This result suggested that a drastic genetic change occurred in the South Korean population during 2002 and 2003.

This data suggests that vivax parasites were introduced from another population, most probably from North Korea, especially during 2002 and 2003, and explains why South Korea was not able to eliminate vivax malaria for 20 years. The finding is an example that malaria parasites were transmitted by Anopheles mosquitos between two countries where traveling is basically prohibited. This evidence demonstrates the difficulty of malaria elimination by one country and the need for collaboration between two (or more) adjacent countries for effective malaria elimination.

In the (near) future, a distribution of Anopheles mosquitoes might expand in Japan due to global warming or climate change. Should a certain numbers of vivax malaria patients (and/or carriers of vivax malaria hypnozoites) come to Japan from South Korea and stay in or near A. sinensis breeding sites during summer season, indigenous vivax malaria transmission might occur by locally infected mosquitoes in Japan. Therefore, careful monitoring of all travelers coming from endemic areas of South Korea is required, as is collaboration between both nations in order to prevent the introduction of the malaria parasite into Japan.


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Microsatellite DNA analysis reveals genetic change of P. vivax in Korea, 2002-2003

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Contact: Ryouhei Nishigaya
Public Library of Science

Continual reintroduction of P. vivax from North Korea could be the cause of change

Malaria is one of the major infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitos, with enormous impact on quality of life. According to World Health Organization figures, as of 2010 there were over 219 million reported cases of malaria with an estimated 660,000 deaths. Plasmodium vivax, which is the second most prevalent species of the human malaria parasite, is widely distributed around the world especially in Asia, Melanesia, the Middle East, South and Central America. 2.85 billion people worldwide live at risk of the infection in 2009.

Vivax malaria was once endemic in Japan including the mainland (Honshu) and the northern island (Hokkaido), but it has been eliminated from these areas as of 1959. In the same way as Japan, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) is another country where vivax malaria had been successfully eliminated by the late 1970s. However, re-emergence of vivax malaria in South Korea was reported in 1993. The first patient was a South Korean soldier who served in the demilitarized zone (a border region between South and North Korea) and had never been abroad. In spite of continuous malaria control measures implemented by the South Korean government, there was a steady increase in the number of reported vivax malaria cases until 2000 (4,183 cases), then a gradual decrease until 2004 (864 cases), when the number of infected civilians who lived in or near the area increased gradually. The number of reported cases fluctuated between 838 and 2,227 per year from 2005 to 2011.

Similarities in the ecology (i.e., climate, vegetation, species of mosquito vector) of Japan and South Korea mean that the Japanese environment is particularly suited to the establishment of Korean strains of vivax malaria. For example, the main vector species of vivax malaria in South Korea is Anopheles sinensis, which in the past has also been the main vector species of vivax malaria in the mainland of Japan, and which remains distributed throughout Japan. In addition, mosquitoes on the mainland of Japan are highly prevalent from June to September (the rainy season and the summer season), which is the same period in which vivax malaria is most prevalent in South Korea.

For these reasons, it is very important not only for South Korea, but also for Japan, to understand the characteristics of vivax malaria in South Korea and to provide a possible explanation as to why, in spite of a continuous malaria control program spanning two decades, efforts to eliminate vivax malaria have been unsuccessful. To answer this question, Dr. Moritoshi Iwagami, et al. conducted a 15-year-long longitudinal study on P. vivax population genetics in South Korea using highly polymorphic neutral markers of the parasites.

The team of researchers from the Japanese National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Inje University and the University of Tokyo analyzed 163 South Korean P. vivax isolates collected from South Korean soldiers who served in the demilitarized zone from 1994 to 2008, using 14 microsatellite DNA loci of the parasite genome. Based on this data, they performed population genetic analysis, with a focus on the differences of the parasite populations between successive years. Through this, they aimed to provide a detailed and precise estimate of the characteristics of the vivax malaria population structure and the temporal dynamics of its transmission.

Their population genetic analyses show that two genotypes coexisted from 1994 to 2001, while three different genotypes coexisted from 2002 to 2008. This result suggested that a drastic genetic change occurred in the South Korean population during 2002 and 2003.

This data suggests that vivax parasites were introduced from another population, most probably from North Korea, especially during 2002 and 2003, and explains why South Korea was not able to eliminate vivax malaria for 20 years. The finding is an example that malaria parasites were transmitted by Anopheles mosquitos between two countries where traveling is basically prohibited. This evidence demonstrates the difficulty of malaria elimination by one country and the need for collaboration between two (or more) adjacent countries for effective malaria elimination.

In the (near) future, a distribution of Anopheles mosquitoes might expand in Japan due to global warming or climate change. Should a certain numbers of vivax malaria patients (and/or carriers of vivax malaria hypnozoites) come to Japan from South Korea and stay in or near A. sinensis breeding sites during summer season, indigenous vivax malaria transmission might occur by locally infected mosquitoes in Japan. Therefore, careful monitoring of all travelers coming from endemic areas of South Korea is required, as is collaboration between both nations in order to prevent the introduction of the malaria parasite into Japan.


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Digitizer makes 3D scanning accessible, but not yet practical

Digitizer makes 3D scanning accessible, but not yet practical

When Bre Pettis unveiled MakerBot's Digitizer, you couldn't wipe the smile off his face. And, upon opening our own unit, it's easy to understand why. When you lift the plastic unit, swaddled in black foam, out of its cardboard box, you feel like you're stepping into the future. 3D scanning isn't exactly new, but the allure hasn't worn off yet. It's the missing ingredient in the Brooklyn-born company's ecosystem. Its printers have improved in leaps and bounds since it first started shipping the Cupcake CNC as a kit back in 2009, it finally has a user-friendly software suite in MakerWare and Thingiverse provides a vast repository of designs for people to download and print. But until now there has been no easy, affordable way for users to turn the objects they already own into printable 3D models. Of course, "affordable" is a relative term. At $1,400 the Digitizer isn't exactly an impulse purchase, but it's certainly cheaper than comparable systems.

And what qualifies as a "comparable" system? Well, we're talking about desktop scanners that capture a full 360 degrees, are largely hands-off and self-contained (i.e., not a DIY kit built around a Kinect or smartphone). That means the Digitizer is actually entering a rather sparsely populated field. The big questions though, are how does it fits into the MakerBot universe and, more importantly, the life of the DIY enthusiast? Does the Digitizer do as advertised and turn your pile of doodads into easily replicateable digital files? You know where to look for answers, after the break.

Digitizer hardware hands-on

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Digitizer handson

Like we said, even before you power up the Digitizer, it already puts a smile on your face. The simple black plastic body definitely isn't going to win any design awards and it doesn't exactly ooze luxury, but it is playfully futuristic, in a way reminiscent of early '90s children's toys. It's angular, understated and utilitarian, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Oddly there is some assembly required: the four rubber feet used to keep it from slipping about a desktop come packaged in a small zip-top bag. After you pop those little rubber guys in place, you're free to plug the Digitizer into an outlet and your computer's USB port and get going... with the calibration that is.

Just like the replicator before it, the Digitizer needs to be carefully calibrated for effective use. And, while the process is much quicker and less labor intensive (no constant adjusting of knobs here), the scanner actually appears to be much more sensitive and needs more frequent tune ups. MakerBot's instructions call for recalibrating every 20 scans or once a week, but we needed to run the calibration three times in the course of a week and never topped 10 scans before our results started getting funny. But, more on that later.

DNP Digitizer handson

The calibration process itself involves making sure the filter is placed over the 1.3-megapixel camera at the center of the raised bar on one side, then placing a special calibration tool on the turntable. Over the course of about 10 minutes you'll be asked to place the checkered, three-sided calibration tool in a variety of poses while the MakerWare app takes measurements from the camera and dual lasers that flank it. From there scanning is a relatively straight forward process, so long as you follow MakerBot's words of advice. Those words: avoid anything dark, shiny, transparent, fury or larger than eight inches in any direction. If you do, the results will be decent, if hardly mind blowing. MakerBot's example scan of a gnome figurine is quite a bit clearer than any results we managed to get. Even when we scanned a plain white Munny figure, the model displayed some weird pitting, misshapen ears and webbing between the arms and the body.

Digitizer scans

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5 Photos

The act of scanning an object is about as simple as it gets. Make sure the filter is over the camera (this is /super/ important), place your target in the middle of the turntable and click start scan. The only setting to mess with is adjusting the shade of the object your scanning, between light, medium and dark. Then you've just got to find something to do for about 10-12 minutes and stay out of the way of the scanner. Don't touch it, bump it or even get too close to it. That's not only to avoid screwing up your virtual model, but also to protect your eyes from the laser line generators. Sure, they're listed eye-safe, but they're still pretty unpleasant when they hit your retinas.

Once that's done, you simply crop your model to the proper height and upload your scan to Thingiverse, if you'd like. You can back up your scans privately or share them for others to download, manipulate and print on their own. MakerWare will walk you through sliding the filter off the camera to take a snapshot of your real world target, ask you to log in and upload the scan.

Digitizer handson

It all seems simple enough, until you hit a snag. Once one thing goes wrong, the whole shebang has a sort of meltdown. When MakerBot says that dark, transparent or shiny objects are not ideally suited to scanning, what they really mean is: don't even bother. (Though, we've been told you can dull the luster on shiny items with cornstarch and achieve better results.) We tried to scan a pair of matte black sunglasses with particularly dark gray lenses, and ended up with something you'd find MoMA. We immediately saw a problem when the scan started updating live on our iMac, so we cancelled it. When we clicked retry the scan simply failed and we had to restart the scanning service to get MakerWare back up and running. This happened almost anytime we had to cancel a scan or put the computer to sleep. Even after we recalibrated the Digitizer the results were still a mess. While we were able to make out the general outline of a pair of glasses, it was buried in a sea of seemingly random shapes. Even some good, usable scans turned up weird anomalies, such as the UFO hovering above Om Nom you see above.

The Digitizer is fun and potentially ground breaking, but it's also occasionally frustrating. The device is as small and unobtrusive as you can reasonably expect and, in the grand scheme of things, not particularly expensive. MakerBot has even succeeded at making the scanner damn-near fool-proof. But, it's hardly perfect. Results are sort of a mixed bag and, if you stray from the suggested ideal conditions, chances are you'll get something completely unusable. It shouldn't come as any surprise that the Digitizer isn't practical for the average user -- it's clearly targeted at tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. But that doesn't mean things will always be that way. Call us optimistic, but we choose to see the Digitizer as the first tentative step towards something revolutionary.

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